We invite you to the conference “Round table of competences: How to teach about the Green Deal”!
The Platform of the Industry of the Future Foundation and the Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd. are honored to invite you to the conference entitled “The Round Table of Competences: How to Teach About the Green Deal”. The...
VI Green Smart City Forum – Let’s instill a Green Deal and Save the Climate!
On October 28 and 29, 2021, the 6th edition of the Green Smart City Forum will take place. The organizers of the event are: University of Agriculture in Krakow, Technology Transfer Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Innovation Center of the University...
Success of the UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE IN KRAKOW and the HUGO GREEN SOLUTIONS spin-off in the “Polish Product of the Future” competition!
biuro”HUGO – innovative technology of pre-sowing seed irradiation and post-emergence plant irradiation”. This title will remain with us for a long time, due to the DISTINCTION received by the University of Agriculture in Krakow with his spin-off Hugo...
Successful joint research work on innovative sulfur fertilizer carried out with the PBI Group
As a result of research carried out at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, in cooperation with the Dolomite Mines of the PBI Group, developed innovative fertilizer formulas based on dolomite and elemental sulfur, stimulating soil fertility and improving plant...