We are pleased to invite you to an industry meeting with entrepreneurs entitled “Breakfast with an entrepreneur”. The meeting will be held on October 23, 2020 from 9:00-11:00. The meeting will be held ONLINE. Participation in the event is free. The meeting is part of the implementation of the Project “Incubator of Innovation 4.0”, so we especially invite people interested in participating in this Project!
“Breakfast with an entrepreneur” is a great opportunity to confront your business idea with a group of experienced practitioners who have been operating in the industry for years. During breakfast, invited entrepreneurs will give thematic presentations on broadly understood entrepreneurship. The meeting will also help to establish effective cooperation in the use of the results of scientific research conducted at the University.
1) Opening of the meeting by the Organizers
MSc. Wojciech Borówka – Broker of Innovation of the University of Agriculture in Krakow
MSc. Eng. Wojciech Przywała – Technology Broker of Special Purpose Vehicle – Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd.
2) Overview of the main goals of the “Innovation Incubator 4.0” project
The above-mentioned Brokers from the University
3) Presentation of the idea of Business Associations
4) Short speeches of invited entrepreneurs (for volunteers)
5) Short speeches by scientists from the University
6) Common discussion and individual chat conversations
7) Summary of the meeting and conclusion
The meeting will take place as part of the events of this year’s Małopolska Innovation Festival, organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region. MORE
The entire program of MFI 2020 is available HERE
>>> Registration form <<<
See you soon! 😊
“Breakfasts with an entrepreneur” will be held periodically – at least once per quarter. This meetings are aimed at promoting and supporting entrepreneurship by presenting the experiences of entrepreneurs and examples of companies that inspire to seek and implement their own ideas for the development of concepts created in the course of scientific research.
The project called “Incubator of Innovation 4.0” is carried out as part of a non-competitive project entitled “Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of R&D results in research units and enterprises” under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 (Measure 4.4).