The modern, rapidly changing world cannot do without innovative products and cutting-edge technologies. And their creators can again compete for prizes financed from the EU. As many as 600 thousand PLN is waiting for the winners of the XXIII edition of the “Polish Product of the Future” competition, organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the National Center for Research and Development. Entrepreneurs, research units and their consortia may submit projects from September 21 to October 29.
In the history of the competition, 1,073 projects have been considered, of which 56 have been awarded and 122 have been awarded. They relate to very different areas of technology, and thanks to their innovativeness, they have a chance to appear also on the global market.
Who is the “Polish Product of the Future” for?
The competition is open to universities, scientific and research institutes as well as entrepreneurs operating in Poland. Participants can join it individually or submit a project developed jointly by the institution and the company.
The submitted product should be innovative, and the competition participant must be the owner of proprietary copyrights, patents or other intellectual property rights relating to the submitted product. The competition will take place in three categories: Product of the Entrepreneur’s Future, Product of the Future of Institutions of Higher Education and Science, Joint Product of the Future of Institutions of Higher Education and Science and Entrepreneur.
The main prize,100 thousand PLN to the winners’ bank accounts
The winners will be entitled to use the title and logo of the Polish Product of the Future. In addition to promotional support, the winners will receive a financial award – PLN 100,000. PLN is the main prize and 25 thousand. PLN distinction.
The competition also provides for the award of special prizes in the following categories: Product submitted by a young entrepreneur (operating on the market for no more than 3 years), Product from the information and communication technology (ICT) industry, Product in the area of eco-innovation or in other areas that will be identified during evaluation of the notified products.
The documentation of the competition is available on the competition website from September 7, and projects can be submitted from September 21 to October 29 this year. (4:00 p.m.).
The competition was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Media patrons: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, Polsat News and Polskie Radio.
The competition is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Program, sub-measure 2.4.1 Center for analyzes and pilots of new inno_LAB instruments.