
The “Startup School UR” at the University of Agriculture in Krakow!

Jan 28, 2021 | INCUBATOR OF INNOVATION 4.0, News

In the coming weeks, at our University, due to the implementation of the Project “Incubator of Innovation 4.0”, a series of workshops entitled “Startup School UR” is going to be realised. The unit responsible for the implementation of this action on behalf of the University will be the Technology Transfer Center together with the Special Purpose Vehicle – Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd.

The aim of the “Startup School UR” workshop is to support University employees and research teams working for science. Participants will gain experience and knowledge needed to create the foundations of their own business. They will receive support in the form of a series of trainings related to: team building, strategic and operational activities, running a company (building the company’s strategy, business models, business presentations). The training will also cover legal and accounting issues related to running your own business.

Currently, a company has been selected that has the appropriate knowledge and experience in the field of effective leading startup teams through the entire acceleration process, from creating business models to establishing a thriving company. The participants of the workshop will be researchers from the University of Agriculture in Krakow, creating scientific and research teams. The list of participants was announced during the presentation of the results of the “Startup School UR” Competition and published on the website of the “Incubator of Innovation 4.0” Project – here 

As part of the workshop, participants will be awaited by, among others training in: Customer Development with the use of Design Thinking elements – a working session focused on discovering the customer’s persona and creating foundations for the construction of MVP, Business model definition and business model innovation using Business model canvas elements and 10 Types of Innovation – a working session focused on building operational excellence of the enterprise, Business model exploration with the use of Agile Management and Lean Management elements – a working session focused on the continuous validation of key business assumptions.

Some of the teams that will take part in the series of workshops “Startup School UR” will carry out their Pre-implementation Work simultaneously as part of the “Grant for Innovations – Edition II” competition. The first activities within the framework of the “Startup School UR” workshop will start in February 2021!