University of Agriculture in Krakow

As a special purpose vehicle, established by the University of Agriculture Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow, we are guided by the same values that characterize our Home University:
“Educating students and academics with respect for academic values, in the spirit of responsibility for the ideas of humanism, freedom, tolerance, respecting ethical norms and creating attitudes of openness to people, knowledge and the world, caring and nurturing what our predecessors left us and using this the knowledge they left behind.”

We identify with the University’s values and mission, which can be described in words:
“Meeting the challenges of today, especially the progressing globalization of the economy and the education and research domain. Our offer is a response to the dynamically changing socio-economic conditions, as well as the needs and expectations of local communities regarding the protection and shaping of the environment.”

As is known, the University of Agriculture Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow cooperates with many social and economic entities as well as state and local government administration units. His community strives to expand and deepen international didactic and research cooperation with academic centers of the European Union and other countries of the world.

We, as a special purpose vehicle, identify with the heritage and profile of our University, ensuring the high quality of our services. We strive to increase innovation, both in the academic environment and in business.

The Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd. is characterized by care for society and the environment, and care for the fate of future generations, i.e. values that are associated with the concept of sustainable development.

What is sustainable development? It is such a socio-economic development in which the process of integrating political, economic and social activities takes place, while maintaining natural balance and durability of basic natural processes, in order to guarantee the possibility of satisfying the basic needs of individual communities or citizens, both of the modern generation and future generations.