
VI Green Smart City Forum – Let’s instill a Green Deal and Save the Climate!

Oct 4, 2021 | News

On October 28 and 29, 2021, the 6th edition of the Green Smart City Forum will take place. The organizers of the event are: University of Agriculture in Krakow, Technology Transfer Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd. and the InnoTechKrak University Association.

To meet the expectations of the participants, this year the event will take the form of a hybrid, and the broadcast will be conducted from the Congress Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow (al. 29 November 46, 31-482). We will see each other live, so with a smaller number of participants than in previous editions, however, it will also be possible to participate online.

The aim of the annual event is the exchange of information between local authorities, universities, environmental protection funds, NGOs, entrepreneurs and residents in the field of Smart City and smart technologies for cities and villages (Smart Village).

Through individual editions of the Forum, starting from 2016, the Forum Organizers created a space for debate on the state of air quality, as well as the problem of smog and its impact on human health. In the following years, more and more space was devoted to issues related to new technologies that can be used to implement Smart City initiatives in our cities, as well as the idea of Smart Village.

This year’s edition focuses on the activities of the European Green Deal that are important for the environment, climate, air protection, and human health and life. During the Green Smart City Forum, innovative solutions in Smart City and Smart Village will be presented, thanks to which activities can be implemented that improve the quality of life of the society, as well as increase care for the environment. The topic of sustainable development will also be raised.


We invite you to participate!


Dr hab. Eng. Sylwester Tabor, prof. URK
Rector of the University of Agriculture in Krakow


Dr Eng. Tomasz Czech, prof. URK
Director of the Technology Transfer Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow
President of the Management Board of the Innovation Center of the University of Agriculture in Krakow Ltd.


This material was published thanks to the funding of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Its content is the sole responsibility of the University of Agriculture in Krakow.