

Sep 3, 2020 | INCUBATOR OF INNOVATION 2.0, News

The “Incubator of Innovation 2.0” project contributed to the financing of 9 selected R&D works. Today we present the pre-implementation work, headed by Dr. Piotr Wężyk, Prof. UR.

The “Bezpieczny Park” application is part of the innovative ways of managing the so-called Smart City. Over the next 20 years, approximately 70% of the population will live in cities where the greatest deficit will be in high green areas. Due to their physical characteristics (tree height, trunk and bough biomass and branches, etc.) trees pose specific threats to people, animals and property (e.g. parked cars, buildings, energy infrastructure and others).

The application stands out from other existing solutions with its innovative use of geoinformatic tools (mainly LiDAR) in the process of spatial geodata analysis and generating new information provided directly to end users. The “Bezpieczny Park” application is unique both on a European and global scale, as it allows for the integration of different levels of geodata, for combining selected mechanisms in the field of public safety and crisis management, and for automatically generating up-to-date data on selected high green areas.

Benefits of the “Bezpieczny Park” application:

  • increasing the safety of people staying in parks, city forests, cemeteries or even walking in communication routes with trees nearby
  • the application, by alerting the user about the next tree fall hazard zones, allows you to assess the risk and change possible navigation (movement) or planning a stay in high green areas
  • the application also allows you to limit the risk of damage to property
  • the “Bezpieczny Park” application works on the most popular smartphones with Android and iOS

Grant Supervisor (Innovation Broker): mgr inż. Adelina Kasprzak

More information: link


The aim of the project “Incubator of Innovation 2.0” is to support the process of managing the results of scientific research and development works, in particular with regard to their commercialization. The implementation of the program should contribute to the promotion of scientific achievements, increasing their impact on the development of innovation and strengthening cooperation between the scientific community and the economic environment.

The project called “Incubator of Innovation 2.0” is carried out as part of an out-of-competition project “Support for the management of scientific research and commercialization of R&D results in research units and enterprises” under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 (Measure 4.4). The total value of the Project is PLN 1,210,000.